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Frage 1 von 15
Father's Day is on ..?
Frage 2 von 15
What is the capital of Vietnam and the country's second largest city?
Frage 3 von 15
In which major world event was Britain involved between 1914 and 1918?
Frage 4 von 15
Which of these UK cities is a port?
Frage 5 von 15
What is a thin line or narrow beam of light called?
Frage 6 von 15
Which of the following is a reptile?
Frage 7 von 15
Who starred in the 2001 version of "Ocean's 11"?
Frage 8 von 15
Who was elected president of South Africa in 1994?
Frage 9 von 15
The Adena, Hopewell and Mississippian cultures were civilizations in what part of the world?
Frage 10 von 15
On September 2, 1666, what disaster began in Thomas Fraynor's bakery on Pudding Lane?
Frage 11 von 15
Jack is older than Poppy. Poppy is older than Harry. Reg is older than Jack. Which statement is correct?
Frage 12 von 15
Part of the Everglades National Park, Cape Sable in what state is the southernmost point on the US mainland?
Frage 13 von 15
In which year did the Woodstock Festival take place?
Frage 14 von 15
How did Russian Tsar Nicholas II die?
Frage 15 von 15
A supposedly-perfect society, as in "The Giver", is called what?

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