Math test
Frage 1 von 10
If John puts three apples in a bucket with Janet's 13 apples, how many apples are in the bucket?
Frage 2 von 10
What is 300 minus 156?
Frage 3 von 10
What is the total of 105 + -7 + 80?
Frage 4 von 10
Solve this equation for N: 3N = 90?
Frage 5 von 10
If the wage is $8 an hour and a person works 45 hours a week, what is the total?
Frage 6 von 10
Which is heaviest: a ton, a pound, a hundredweight or an ounce?
Frage 7 von 10
If you have 28 candies and eat a dozen, how many are left?
Frage 8 von 10
What shape is an object that has all four sides three inches long?
Frage 9 von 10
What value of x makes 10x = 350 a true statement?
Frage 10 von 10
How many dimes equal two dollars?