This is a crazy math quiz
Frage 1 von 10
What does half of 100 equal?
Frage 2 von 10
How many eggs would you use in a 2-egg cake if you want to double the recipe?
Frage 3 von 10
How do you write 7 hundreds + 8 tens + 9 ones in standard form?
Frage 4 von 10
How many groups of ten are in one hundred?
Frage 5 von 10
What is 33 + 6 + 20?
Frage 6 von 10
What is next in this number pattern: 1, 3, 5, 7... ?
Frage 7 von 10
How do you write the word name for 357,901 ?
Frage 8 von 10
How much does 3 to the power of 4 equal?
Frage 9 von 10
Ten metres is equal to which of the following?
Frage 10 von 10
What is the largest even 3-digit number?