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Frage 1 von 10
Famous American rock 'n roll singer and is widely known for popularisering many dance styles including the twist dance style.
Frage 2 von 10
American-born singer also referred to as The Queen of Rock 'n' Roll.
Frage 3 von 10
German inventor who created the printing press, which allowed for books to be mass produced, improving literacy rates throughout the world.
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Situated in the north of Europe. It's neighbouring country is Sweden.
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Known for winning the Nobel Peace Price in 2009.
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Knowing that there were many wrong things in the calculation of mathematical tables, he wanted to find a way to calculate them mechanically, removing errors made by humans.
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A movie where the main character's friend dies in a hedge maze while taking part of a school tournament.
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Typical Mexican cuisine and often tomato-based.
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British rock band Queen.
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An animated movie where Merlin's 'orange' son gets abducted.