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Play This Sudden End

Frage 1 von 15
The US state of Florida and the Australian state of Queensland share what nickname?
Frage 2 von 15
What movie included a famous scene of Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster rolling around on Halona Beach Cove, kissing as the waves swept over them?
Frage 3 von 15
What American commonwealth's Spanish name translates to "rich port"?
Frage 4 von 15
What fish, though actually a scavenger, has become synonymous with vicious, predatory behavior?
Frage 5 von 15
Which of the following words does not belong?
Frage 6 von 15
Complete the name of the this famous landmark in London 'Madame ______'
Frage 7 von 15
On the soundtrack of which 60s movie was the classic Simon and Garfunkel track 'Mrs Robinson' used?
Frage 8 von 15
The maxilla bones are the upper parts; the mandibles are the lower ones. Of what?
Frage 9 von 15
Which scientific term is defined as a physical particle with a negative charge?
Frage 10 von 15
In which country is it not hot at Christmas time?
Frage 11 von 15
What nationality was controversial futurist painter Marcel Duchamp, who died in 1968?
Frage 12 von 15
Which countries are on the Iberian Peninsula?
Frage 13 von 15
EM Forster wrote about one with a view, and Virginia Woolf wrote about having one of one's own. What?
Frage 14 von 15
What country's appetite for fish is depleting resources in other areas?
Frage 15 von 15
The nickname of New York state is?

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