HARD History Quiz
In 1982, who woke up at home to find an intruder sitting on the end of her bed?
Which of these Ancient Battles occurred earliest?
In 2012, journalists Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik were killed in what Middle Eastern country?
What was the name of the USSR's copy of NASA's space shuttle that had its one and only (unmanned) test launch in 1988?
The Universal Product Code was scanned for the first time in 1974 to sell what?
Which of these men was not a military leader during World War II?
In what country was Anne Frank born?
When did German author Kafka publish "The Metamorphosis"?
As well as being one of the world's top oil producers, Iran is rich in what other natural resource?
What type of work was Grant Wood's 1930 "American Gothic"?
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